That being said, I thought I'd give a quick recap of my first summer as a NY resident, now that we're just past the halfway point. In spite of record heat, I've been having a great time. I am a southern girl, after all, what's a little heat? Thankfully, here, there's always the promise of a pleasant, low-humidity day just around the corner, so that makes the heat a little easier to bear.
Anyway, right after I returned from my trip to Georgia, we spent a Saturday in Central Park to celebrate my friend Julie's birthday by watching the Central Park Dance Skaters. It sounds a bit odd, but it was a perfect way to spend a Saturday - blankets spread out under the trees, snacks, contraband booze and a group of people of all ages dancing on roller skates to mostly 70s disco and rap music. Of course, I forgot to make sure my camera battery was charged, so I was only able to get a few photos & one video. This was also my first introduction to "Miss Columbia."
Denis Johnson Autographing My Book - Woo! |
Finally, this past weekend, we took the LIRR out to the Babylon station and then took a bus out to Robert Moses State Park for a day at the beach. Perhaps it was because it was a cloudy day, but I was surprised how un-crowded it was. I mean, don't get me wrong, there were a lot of people there, but we didn't feel like we were right on top of everyone else, which was nice. The beach and water were clean, there was a reasonably priced snack bar, decent bathroom and lifeguards on duty. Plus, it's just amazing to be able to hop on a train and be at the beach in an hour.
Robert Moses State Park |
- I used to think the drips from window air conditioners was gross, but now I'm much more worried about having an air conditioner fall on me!
- My apartment ceiling is WAY too thin. Not only do I hear our upstairs neighbor stomping back and forth, back and forth, back and forth (what the hell are they doing?) at all hours of day and night, they're now insisting on torturing me by blasting that terrible Gotye song over and over during the day.
- We're still looking for our Brooklyn replacement for The Shed at Glenwood - our "Cheers" - because sometimes you really DO just want to go where everybody knows your name. I'm starting to think it is irreplaceable.
- I saw a woman get onto the subway barefoot . . . in Coney Island of all places. I nearly threw up. Someone is just begging for flesh-eating bacteria.
- Our neighbors in the building behind us have been out of town (windows dark, shades down) for over 2 weeks. What kind of job do I need to get to be able to vacation for 2+ weeks?
- I mentioned this the other day on Facebook, but I've learned that NYC is about as stabby as Atlanta is shooty. I prefer the stabby. I don't have to worry about getting randomly stabbed while sitting on my couch watching TV.
- There are a lot of French Bulldogs in my neighborhood. I notice they always seem to be really pulling on their leash, which makes them even more grunty & snorty. And adorable.
The Shed Misses You, Too. In purely selfish fashion, I hope you only find a distant second because then you will have more reasons to come home for a bit. Great Blog!