Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cinco de Yacht Rock

When I bought tickets to go see Atlanta's own Yacht Rock Revue several weeks ago, the fact that the show was going to be on Cinco de Mayo totally escaped me. It's just not a "holiday" I usually celebrate, in fact, I have never celebrated it. I just happened to be geeking out over a somewhat shameful love of Steely Dan at a bar with friends, which led to me bringing up Yacht Rock Revue, which led to me looking them up on my phone and finding out they were doing a show in New York in May. Since my friend Mat shares my love of Steely Dan and other late 70s soft rock, we decided we should go see them, much to Bill's dismay.

In spite of the fact that the weather was chilly and gray, and the fact that it was a Cinco de Mayo party and you just never know what kind of nonsense that may mean, we were not disappointed. I think Mat was out of his chair and halfway to the stage about 3 notes into the first song, which was Hall & Oates "You Make My Dreams Come True." I think. The day became very fuzzy very quickly.

Yacht Rock Revue
All I know is that spending a spring afternoon dancing with good friends on a pier with the Hudson River in front of you and the Midtown Manhattan skyline at your back (or vice-versa, depending on how much your drunk, dancing ass is twirling around) was an amazing experience.

I also had another one of my "holy crap we live in freakin' New York City" moments when I turned around & saw this:
Bill with the Empire State Bldg in the Background

Now, feel free to enjoy my favorite Yacht Rock Revue cover - "Rich Girl" by Hall & Oates:

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